One new exhibit that was extremely rewarding and fun was the Inventions at Play area! This interactive exhibit was broken down into several different inventions (sailboards, kevlar, robotic ants...) some useful, some playful, and some just interesting. Each area talked not just about the thing, or discovery but the inventor. What was their story, what were they like as children? Now try something different with whatever inspired this particular person. Then there were areas devoted to inspirational toys, nature inspriation and problem solving! The kids and the parents were blown away! We had so much fun that we can't wait to go back when there are a few less people in town!
Right next to the invention area was the Spark!Lab! A hands on area for kids to get down and dirty with inspiration and invention! Isaac and Leah were drawn to different areas, but they were equally engrossed and hard to seperate from their activities. There were Lab Docents who hold hourly presentations. While we were there they were about to start two different presentaions, one about DNA and one about CO2. Again this area deserves more attention than our short visit allowed!
Living Barefoot is about inspiration, imagination, exploration, creation and making connections. These exhibits presented these values beautifully. See all the Blums having fun and getting creative!
So take your toes on a wander. Where do you go for inspiration? Exploration? Share! Or come out to DC and visit us and we will show you our favorite places, too!