It's no secret I love reading, for myself and to my children! When asked what is my favorite chilldren's book, it's hard to answer because I have different favorites for different occasions. Today, Mother's Day in the US, has it's own list of favorites. Most of these books give me a warm, fuzzy feeling. Some because they remind me of my children, some because they remind me of my Mom!
Mars Needs Moms!
Berkley Breathed of Opus and Bloom County fame penned this beautiful and funny story. A boy and his mother don't always understand each other but in the end, they show how much the love each other!

Motherbridge of Love
This beautiful poem celebrates the bond between parent and child in a special way. Through the exchanges between a little Chinese girl and her mother, Motherbridge of Love offers a poignant and inspiring message to parents and children all over the world.
Mama, Do You Love Me?
This modern classic by author Barbara Josse illustrates just how far a mothers love can go despite the attempts of an imaginative girl to find it's limits. Also by Barbara Josse, I Love You the Purplest
Come Along, Daisy!
I discovered this book just as my oldest child was about 3 and prone to wandering off or become distracted with something interesting while I was trying to get someplace! Jane Simmons shows her knowledge of kids and parents with this story!

The Tear Thief
Each night, in the hours between supper and bedtime, the Tear Thief carries her waterproof, silvery sack as she steals the tears of every child who cries. But what does she do with all those tears? This warm, poignant, and beautifully illustrated story offers a thought-provoking message and a starting point to share children's emotional experiences.
You and Me

The imaginary games of a boy and a girl form the basis of this enchanting picture book about opposites and contrasts. As the two children play together, they picture themselves as all kinds of characters, animals, landscapes and moods. "I'm a circle, you're a square; I'm a tiger, you're a bear." Celebrating difference, but above all celebrating relationship, You and Me is a very special picture book that will captivate pre-school audiences but is also sure to attract plenty of adult fans.
Close Your Eyes
The wonderful poetry by Jean Marzollo in this book has the rhythm and rhyme to put anyone asleep, and has lulled our children to bed many times. But I am also in love with the illustrations of one of my very favorite artists, Susan Jeffers! The pictures tell a parallel story of a parent struggling to get their child to bed and the peace that comes at last as they sleep!
Story time is a special time in our house every night! Even though my kids are getting bigger and their interests are changing, I hope this particular ritual holds on for a little while more.
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