One of the very first things we unpacked was books, books, books and yet more books! I have oohhed and ahhhhed over forgotten titles and old favorites, and in the next breath cursed the pure volume of books in boxes, boxes, boxes and yet more boxes.

One book which was actually not packed and not unpacked but carefully transported from old home to new home. That book was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
The very first night we slept in our new home, we made sure to clear away a few boxes and read a chapter. It helped keep us grounded in our theme for the move, same family, new location. It helped us all feel at home and calm down after the anxiety and excitement of the big move day.
Here's the thing, that's what our story time does for us every day. Every day we get together as a family and share a book. We cuddle and listen, gasp, sniff and giggle, all together as a family. I love this time of day! I love sharing this with my family.
So when friends tell me that they "don't read to their eight year old anymore, they are too old" or "don't think a six year old can enjoy a chapter book" I just tell them it works for us. This isn't a cause or crusade, its just our family!
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