Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I'm Hooked - Crochet Challange - Long overdue update!

Oh dear, dear, dear! Has it really been that long?
Fear not dear reader I have not been idle! (oh that was a 10 cent sentence!) I've been busy on my projects both crochet related and not. The kiddos are out of school and man, do they take up a lot of time! Plus my Mom and Dad braved the heat, tourists and politicians and came to the DC area for a visit. Add to that a super secret vacation for the family (muah-ha-ha-ha!) and you see why my blogging has been sacrificed. I know that these are really weak excuses but they are all I've got!

On to the update!
Isaac put together a skit for the school talent show this year starring himself as the Swedish Chef from the Muppet Show! He shined if I do say so myself! You can see the video of him hamming it up on stage here.
As a special gift for the performance I designed and created a Swedish Chef Amigurumi. Isaac was very pleased and so am I!
After posting the initial pictures on Facebook I received lots of feedback for other Muppets to try. Miss Piggy has always been a favorite of mine and near and dear to my heart.

I have also made a couple other special gifts and commissions. One is an Emily Tiger based on the book Emily's Tiger. One of my favorites from Barefoot Books!This bride is for a friend and neighbor. If she sees it here....well I guess I should be happy she is reading my blog! :) I am working on a groom. I'll highlight him here soon!I have other ideas percolating in my brain and hopefully I can bring them to Amigurumi life! Watch this space for more crochet creations another kind of challenge!