Last night at a charity shopping event, a woman approached my table. She asked about Barefoot and even commented on how beautiful and wonderful the books were. And then she floored me! "I'm shopping fr my young grandchildren and no child wants a book for Christmas."
I was speechless! (truly an event in itself!) I did recover in time to say as she walked away..."well my kids love books as gifts and I give books all the time!"
So here's the thing, plenty of kids don't read or don't like to read or don't like books. I know that. Its not the way things are in my house but I know its there, its out there. I know that the right book can change that, too. Witness the Harry Potter, Series of Unfortunate Events and even Twilight phenomenons!
I still remember receiving books like Rebbecca of Sunnybrook Farm and the Wizard of Oz from my Godfather one Christmas and the joy of putting the exact Nancy Drew Mysteries I needed on my list to Santa. And today I know my Mother in Law will always give me a good book, no special occasion needed!
More than a few years ago, my dear husband was working for a company developing a digital reader, to read books on your laptop or a device not unlike the very hip Kindle. At the office holiday party the CEO asked me what I thought about the product as a teacher and I commented that I was somewhat addicted to "books." She asked me what about "books" did I like. It took me a while to answer, but after giving it some thought I said it was the feel, the weight, the texture of the pages as I turned them, the comfy feeling of falling asleep with one on my chest and the comfort of holding one as I walked to the coffee house. I love the smell of new ink, and old pages, I love the delicacy of a binding or the durability of a good one. Books are so much more than the words written inside to me. Books can at times be my best friend or biggest challenge, comfort or obsession, bring joy or empathy, enlighten or inspire.
Today I ask you to share your memories of books given, received or found as an adult or a child.